After an arduous 7 days, 6 nights and 796km, HBFG Events Coordinator Dave Fotheringham and his daughter Loryn have finally completed the 2012 Tour Duchenne. Their arrival in Manly yesterday was the culmination of many months worth of training, planning and fundraising with all proceeds going to Muscular Dystrophy Foundation Australia. With wife Kerrie, son Scott, daughter Keira and friends Ian and Deb Wilson cheering them on, Dave and Loryn rolled into Manly yesterday having ridden their bikes all the way from Thredbo over the course of the week. There were about a dozen riders in total that made the journey including well known actor and tv presenter Luke Jacobz.


Between the raffles, HBFG Show n Shine and personal donations the total amount raised is $12700 and counting! It has been a fantastic effort and the generosity shown by everyone who has contributed will be remembered for a long time to come. It might be a while before either Dave or Loryn want to even look at a bike again but you can be sure that this was indeed the experience of a lifetime and one that they will never forget. As someone who used to clock up a few miles on a bike myself I can't wait to hear all about their adventure. Knowing Dave, the tale may need to be split into several installments for publishing in the Sporty Note though but until then, here's a few more photos of our triumphant heroes. Well Done!